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  • Power Up Your Plate

    Why Fruits and Veggies are Superheroes for Your Health We all know we should eat our fruits and veggies, but let's face it, that plate of broccoli ...
  • Acaí bowls: just a trend or a must get?

    Açaí bowls have become a popular trend in the world of healthy nutrition, and no wonder. These delicious, colorful bowls are packed with benefits t...
  • Spirulina connects our ancestors with modern nutrition

    More than 500 years ago, in the ancient city of Tenochtitlán, the Aztecs harvested in the great Lake of Texcoco a thick green slime that seemed to ...
  • Discover Bliss in Every Breath

    Yoga is an ancient practice that goes beyond a simple physical exercise routine. Its benefits encompass both the body and the mind, and its positiv...
  • Plant-based diet: medicine or diet?

    Veganism isn’t about deprivation; it’s about abundance. The richness of flavors, the joy of discovering new ingredients, and the satisfaction of kn...
  • Natural elixir: apple cider vinegar from the mother

    Apple cider vinegar with the mother is a natural elixir that has gained popularity due to its many health benefits. The "mother" in unpasteurized ...
  • Why are “superfoods” really super?

    In the world of nutrition, the term “superfoods” has gained popularity in recent years. These foods are touted as true nutritional heroes, capable ...
  • "Abraza tus sueños: Un viaje hacia la libertad"

    To hold back is to renounce one’s own dreams, actively practicing their “non-realization.” It’s akin to standing at the edge of a vast ocean, gazin...
  • Azúcar de coco: una alternativa natural y saludable para hornear

    La diabetes, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y el cáncer pueden prevenirse con hábitos alimentarios saludables, actividad física, descanso adecuado y control del estrés. Au...
  • Folleto para un alma feliz: en cada producto Yogi Super Foods

    ¿Te has dado cuenta de que todos nuestros productos incluyen un folleto de Happy Soul Project? The Happy Soul Project es un programa de inspiración gratuito que ...
  • Ahorra mucho dinero cuidando tu salud

    Con nuestra mantequilla de macadamia, podrá preparar bebidas vegetales, más conocidas como leche vegetal, sin conservantes, espesantes, azúcar ni emulsionantes....
  • Esa chica matcha

    El té matcha es perfecto para ti si estás en "esa época de chicas", cuidándote por dentro y por fuera. El té verde matcha mejora el rendimiento atlético...